Sunday, 29 January 2012

all that matters

There have been many times over the last few years when people I've been friends with and even people I haven't know well have judged me incorrectly. I know we are all only human and that's the way of the world but that doesn't make it doesn't hurt any less. It has helped me see who my real friends are, anyone who knows me well would have known I wasn't capable of the things people spoke about. It has also really taught me that you should never ever listen to and spread gossip about others as it can be so damaging.

There were so many moments it would have been nice to have stood in front of the world and cleared my name with the truth but at the end of the day the people who choice to believe what they hear and judge because of it are not important. A piece of advice I was given by a lovely Christian women was that God knows your heart and he knows the truth and no matter what anyone else says or thinks (and yes there have been many people willing to tell me) you can walk with your head high. It's literally the only thing that had gotten me through some days!


Wednesday, 18 January 2012


I recently read a quote by Frederick Keonig that said: “We tend to forget that happiness doesn't come as a result of getting something we don't have, but rather of recognizing and appreciating what we do have.”

Really rather true when I think about it. So often I can feel consumed by the things I want to do or buy and the places I want to see that I get frustrated with how limited I feel in my current situation BUT it's good to have a reminder of how incredibly blessed I am and that infact I'm very happy with where life is at right now. That doesn't mean I want it to stay that way forever but for now, I will wait patiently for my dreams to become a reality and just simply enjoy right now for what it is.
The last few years have brought alot of personal growth for me and I've learnt so much about myself. What I like and don't like, what I want, what I need and don't need and for the first time in along time I actually decided to make some New Years Resolutions. Last year I refused and instead wrote down things I wanted to achieve throughout the year. When I got to the end of it I felt sad that the year had been so difficult and heartbreaking and I hadn't achieved anything but when I read back over my list I actually had without even realising:) So this year I plan to do the same and we'll see what happens!

So here's to 2012, may it bring more laughter than tears and new hopes for the future.


Tuesday, 17 January 2012

Summer Lovin

I just love summer. I would take the heat over the cold any day and the hotter the better. Don't get me wrong the rain is lovely and it's refreshing after our long hot summers but I love being able to enjoy the outdoors and it still being sunlight when I get to work and when I leave!!! This summer's been one of my favourites. God is good and is bringing new and exciting things and people into my life all the time. He's planting new dreams and desires in my heart which have helped me see that even though life have changed so dramatically from what I thought it would be, his plans for my life are so much more incredbile than I could have imagined! I've moved into a new place with an amazing housemate, the beach is just down the road. I am blessed with the most incredible family and friends and it's summer:) 

The clouds have definitely lifted, a fresh start has began.

Some of my summer fun!

 birdies at the berry farm


 days at the beach
 Quokkas at Rotto
Christmas Tree on Rotto 
 flowers from a special friend
 my version of a christmas tree
 busso jetty


 lazy days spent reading a book
 trying my first every macaroon (mango)
 lol, the famous surf wax now as an air freshener
 my second ever macaroon (rose)
 picnic days lying in the sun listening to music 
 crazy beach hair
 bee stings
prawn and avocado salsa salad
Sorry for the annoying un rotated wouldn't let me change them!!!!!


Sleeping Beauty

I am obsessed...seriously...with sleeping. I cannot explain the excitement I feel when I know I can have an early night (which rarely happens) and because of this love of bed, the couch, the car (yes I'm known to even nap in my lunch break) I like to make sleeptime as comfortable and lovely as possible. This includes nice sheets, blankets, cushions, good quality pillow silk slip pillow case!!!!!

I LOVE THIS THING. So much so that my beloved cream slip has literally gone to pillow case heaven. I had him for 6 good years and he fell apart (not sure how it became and he:/ but never mind). I finally ordered myself a new one because the thought of being without was too much to bare and it is beautiful mink pink silkiness heaven for you head/hair etc

Please excuse it being wrinkled...just taken out of the box, and meet Giraffee. I got him just after my partner and I seperated a few years ago and there have been very few nights since then that I haven't slept with him tucked under my arm!!!
 Who would turn down anti anging benefits!!!?

You've probably heard of them already but if not GET ONE. I found this one off ebay so was cheaper than ordering from the website but they are well worth the price.

Some of the benefits from the website:

We spend a third of our lives in bed.
By the time we are 60, we will have slept for an average of 20 years.
Traditional pillowcases – such as cotton - don't slip, so they continuously tug at delicate parts of the face and neck. Only pillowcases made from pure silk of the highest quality and generous thickness provide the slip required to prevent bed-head, sleep-crease and skin-stretching.
When you think about how much time and effort we spend on face crèmes, facials, diet, sun screen, it’s surprising to what extent sleeping on the wrong pillowcase undermines all that effort.
And not just your face; sleeping on cotton is equally damaging to your hair…

Ever woken up with a ‘sleep-crease’ on your face? While the creases usually go away later the same day, they are an indication of the damage done to your face when sleeping on a cotton pillowcase.
A secret hairdressers have know for decades (and the Chinese have known for centuries); silk pillowcases are infinitely gentler on your hair than cotton. When you sleep on a SLIP pure silk pillowcase you’ll notice a huge difference in the state of your hair when you wake up in the morning. Your hairstyle not only lasts longer, but even people with curly hair can say goodbye to the dreaded morning ‘bird’s nest’ - the silk allows your hair to glide over the pillow, rather than grabbing and twisting it every time you move your head during the night. Cotton also draws moisture from your hair, drying it out at the same time and further contributing to bed-head.
Unfortunately ‘bed-head’ is not only an inconvenience, but a symptom of something more serious. The same rough treatment that causes bed-head can also damage your hair follicles, leading to thinner, less healthy hair.
Cotton not only draws moisture from your hair but your skin as well, drying it out and nullifying the benefits of moisturising crème.
Silk breathes. It’s a natural temperature regulator, so it’s cooler in summer and doesn’t sweat like satin and other man-made imitations. It is also hypoallergenic and doesn’t create static electricity the way satin does. Satin may feel nice and soft in your hand, but after an 8 hour sleep your hair and facial skin can really feel the difference.
And that’s the key ingredient to beauty sleep after all. SLIP pure silk pillow cases and sleep masks are good for your hair and skin, but more importantly they feel soft and wonderful, helping you get a full night of luxurious and truly relaxing sleep

AND they just feel fricken amazing!!!!!!!!!! :)
