I recently read a quote by Frederick Keonig that said: “We tend to forget that happiness doesn't come as a result of getting something we don't have, but rather of recognizing and appreciating what we do have.”
Really rather true when I think about it. So often I can feel consumed by the things I want to do or buy and the places I want to see that I get frustrated with how limited I feel in my current situation BUT it's good to have a reminder of how incredibly blessed I am and that infact I'm very happy with where life is at right now. That doesn't mean I want it to stay that way forever but for now, I will wait patiently for my dreams to become a reality and just simply enjoy right now for what it is.
The last few years have brought alot of personal growth for me and I've learnt so much about myself. What I like and don't like, what I want, what I need and don't need and for the first time in along time I actually decided to make some New Years Resolutions. Last year I refused and instead wrote down things I wanted to achieve throughout the year. When I got to the end of it I felt sad that the year had been so difficult and heartbreaking and I hadn't achieved anything but when I read back over my list I actually had without even realising:) So this year I plan to do the same and we'll see what happens!
So here's to 2012, may it bring more laughter than tears and new hopes for the future.
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