Tuesday, 8 May 2012

birthday FINALLY part 1

Hi All

Finally getting to the birthday post:) Just over a whole month later...blogger wasn't working until I downloaded Google Chrome...am I the only one that wasn't using this before?

Needless to say I had a absolute awesome birthday weekend/month. Was totally spoilt and felt so blessed to have the family and friends I do. Much birthday love indeed.

The Friday night before my birthday I headed out to dinner with some friends at Tiger Lils in  Perth City. I'd had an awful day and was almost ready to cancel but I got home from work and one of my friends had brought flowers around and gave me a big hug to cheer me up. I then got ready and was feeling better in no time.

LOVE these shoes:D 

Dinner was lovely. I had Pork Belly which is always a favourite and didn't have to buy a drink for myself ALL night:)

We then headed onto a new Whiskey Bar called Helveticas. Their house punch was incredible. A great atmosphere and definitely worth visiting if you live in Perth. 

THEN...we ended up at the Shed in Northbridge (lol) for some dancing. Always a fun way to end the night. Cheeseburgers on the drive home was a must:)

Then on the Saturday night I headed out for dinner at a new Bar in Claremont called Duchess. Beautiful tapas menu. Quite loud considering how intimate and uncrowded it looked when I first checked it out during the day but I will go back.

baby octopus EEEEK

Cousins <3

Who's that girl

 My sis...grrrr photos that won't rotate!


 hehe trio of mini hot dogs SO GOOD


I moved around the table a lot as I couldn’t hear anyone from the other end.

It was so nice having a girls night and being spoilt. Loved the combo of my new dress from Kookai and a necklace I found cheap on ebay:)

We headed to Koko Black (chocolate place right next door) after. If you haven’t gone yet YOU MUST. Their chocolate and desserts and beautiful and they have a great savoury menu too.

Salted caramel - Koko Black

Will be back with part 2 of Birthday shenanigans soon.



  1. I have never eaten at Tiger Lils - but I do love pork belly! haha

    I love your outfit on the second night! where is your necklace from?


  2. Sorry for delayed response!!! life has gotten in the way:) it was just a cheap take off of the jcrew necklace that I got on ebay. Like this one below. Have worn it so much though and still love it. Bargain for $14! Tiger Lils is great, you should definitely check it out.


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