Wednesday, 18 July 2012

month of grateful

I've been a bit flat after the last few months and seem to be having trouble seeing the good in things so decided to start a month of grateful list. 10 things each day that I am thankful for (so far I've managed to keep to everyday though yesterdays only had one point...was not in a particularly good placeut hey at least I tried!!!). So far it has been incredible and such an uplifting and inspiring thing to do. It's already started helping me look out for the positives in each day and acknowledge all the blessings I have. I've found myself noticing things throughout the day and being grateful for them rather than dwelling on the things that get me down. It has changed my whole attitude and it puts a smile on my face as I write them in my notebook at the end of the day. I go to bed feeling so happy and would definitely recommend it to everyone!

I thought I’d share today’s list just to give you an idea of what I do:)
  • For blue skies despite the 1degree temp this morning shiver
  • For homemade soup to devour at lunch!
  • For fun girls night planned with my sisters and cousins for tonight. Jane Austin movies, slow cooked meals and a hot sticky date anything better!
  • For being healthy and the ability to move and exercise freely
  • For blogs of lovely girls all around the world, reading these uplifting stories each day is such a blessing
  • For being able to learn from mistakes and know I get another chance...and another and anotherJ
  • For Thursdays...second last day of the working week gets to count for something good right...?
  • For caramello koalas...especially around 2pm
  • For fun weekend plans to celebrate birthdays with a close friend and my sister
  • For seeing my Dad happy and loving his new jobJ

I really am so grateful for an incredibly Heavenly father who has my best interested at heart always and knows each of my days already and for my family who I thank him for everyday. These people keep me together and bring me so much joy. 

Hope something today puts a huge smile on your face and reminds you of everything good!


1 comment:

  1. I love making love lists, or happy lists! They really do help :) Your girls' night and hot soup sounds lovely!

    xo Bailey


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