Hi my gorgeous blogger friends
Yes it's been awhile. I've had a sad few weeks with my Grandfather passing away and my parents moving down south but ready to get myself back into usual routine.
And some other news in pictures:
Beautiful purple cabbage flowers...brought by myself for myself:)
Finally went to Beaufort St Merchant in Mount Lawley - loved it
Earrings from my house mate just because, can't wait to wear them!
Stole my boyfriends trackies and held them ransom...they are so much more comfortable than mine.
Stunning flowers from my bestie:)
Finally took my sisters to Shebert in Maylands...if you haven't been then go!!!!!!!!!!!
decided to totally branch out and paint my usually nude pink nails each a different colour...it lasted a day lol
Searched through old pics of my sister to print out for her birthday next week. We were so funny!
Got a gorgeous ice bucket and bottle of champagne from my boyfriends family as a belated birthday present.
Sold some much loved shoes because I never wear them and want the money for my Melbourne Spending Trip
Now, as for the title of this post. I've always been one to laugh at girls (or guys) who posted a zillion photos on facebook or pretty much the same thing...then realised, as I was looking through my camera, that I'm guilty of it too without even noticing!!!!! Anyone else do this?
I'm also getting excited at what next year has to offer with the hope of starting my Interior Design course and learning more about photography. If anyone has done any of these things in Perth please let me know as I'd love your advice!
To end I thought I'd share this pic of me and my Granddad on the farm when I was really little! RIP Granddad.
These look like great pictures and I hope they've managed to cheer you up. All the best, and cheers to your grandfather. xo
Thanks so much gorgeous girls:) x