Thursday, 27 September 2012

don't worry be happy

Happy start to the long weekend folks (if you live in Perth, Australian hehe). Love it. It's gonna be summer weather which always makes me incredible joyful. I'm planning picnics, walks on the coast, heading to the dunes, movie nights and home made pizzas etc

As most of you would know, times have been tough the last few years for me and for the first time in my live I've been finding it hard to just be happy! I used to bounce out of bed in the morning, bubbling with happy to spill over everyone I met. For the last few years it's been an effort and I don't like it. I want my happy mojo back and am on a mission to get it back permanently! Don't get me wrong I do have lots of happy days etc but I definitely have lots of ups and downs and it just isn't me...not the me I want to be anyway!

So I've had words with God about this and now he keeps sending me love and advice through my friends and family and people I don't even know. Reading my daily devotion today and it was all about thinking positively, not worrying and letting God just be in control.

Link for Joyce's devo's if you are interested...

Manifesting Your Reality
by Joyce Meyer - posted September 28, 2012

For the rest, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is worthy of reverence and is honorable and seemly, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely and lovable, whatever is kind and winsome and gracious, if there is any virtue and excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think on and weigh and take account of these things [fix your minds on them]. —Philippians 4:8
"Manifesting your reality" sounds like something from a contemporary self-help course, but the concept comes straight out of the Bible: As he thinks in his heart, so is he (Proverbs 23:7). I like to say it like this: "Where the mind goes, the man follows."
Positive thoughts are the precursors to a positive life. On the other hand, our lives can be made miserable by anxious thoughts and negative expectations. We usually think our problems are the thing ruining our life, but usually it is our attitude toward them that does the ruining.
We all encounter people who have a great attitude despite being in trying circumstances. We also encounter those who have money and privilege to burn, yet they murmur and complain, are negative and critical, and are filled with self-pity and resentment. We have more to do with how our lives turn out than we like to admit. Learning how to think right is mandatory for good health.
Thoughts affect emotions, and they both affect the body. In order for you to be whole, you must maintain a healthy mind. Make a decision right now that you are going to have a healthy mind. Renewing your mind will take some time and effort. You must learn new, positive ways to think. But reading God's Word can help you do just that.
So the point I'm trying to make is that I know I need to learn to control my emotions and negative thoughts and give them to God as he is in total control. I really truly am beyond blessed and I can see that everyday but that is what I need to focus on when Satan tries to rob me of it, and lets be honest, he's been having a field day with that! This week I have been so grateful for my sisters who are simple amazing, for growing up in a Christian house and for parents who love the Lord and me unconditionally, for a relationship with an incredible boy who makes me smile everyday and encourages me to chase my dreams, for much needed rain even though I wish it was sunny all the time, for the beautiful wedding of close friends and for FINALLY enrolling to do my Interior Design course after wanting to for years! God is so good to me.
oh...and for much needed long weekends to relax!:)

I hope you all have something to be happy and grateful for this week.



  1. love this positive post :) happiness is a choice and you defiantly have a good outlook! Hope you are having a wonderful and happy day!

    love from NYC,

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  2. Thanks for your positive comments lovlies:) Now your newest follower:)


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