Thursday, 27 September 2012

don't worry be happy

Happy start to the long weekend folks (if you live in Perth, Australian hehe). Love it. It's gonna be summer weather which always makes me incredible joyful. I'm planning picnics, walks on the coast, heading to the dunes, movie nights and home made pizzas etc

As most of you would know, times have been tough the last few years for me and for the first time in my live I've been finding it hard to just be happy! I used to bounce out of bed in the morning, bubbling with happy to spill over everyone I met. For the last few years it's been an effort and I don't like it. I want my happy mojo back and am on a mission to get it back permanently! Don't get me wrong I do have lots of happy days etc but I definitely have lots of ups and downs and it just isn't me...not the me I want to be anyway!

So I've had words with God about this and now he keeps sending me love and advice through my friends and family and people I don't even know. Reading my daily devotion today and it was all about thinking positively, not worrying and letting God just be in control.

Link for Joyce's devo's if you are interested...

Manifesting Your Reality
by Joyce Meyer - posted September 28, 2012

For the rest, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is worthy of reverence and is honorable and seemly, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely and lovable, whatever is kind and winsome and gracious, if there is any virtue and excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think on and weigh and take account of these things [fix your minds on them]. —Philippians 4:8
"Manifesting your reality" sounds like something from a contemporary self-help course, but the concept comes straight out of the Bible: As he thinks in his heart, so is he (Proverbs 23:7). I like to say it like this: "Where the mind goes, the man follows."
Positive thoughts are the precursors to a positive life. On the other hand, our lives can be made miserable by anxious thoughts and negative expectations. We usually think our problems are the thing ruining our life, but usually it is our attitude toward them that does the ruining.
We all encounter people who have a great attitude despite being in trying circumstances. We also encounter those who have money and privilege to burn, yet they murmur and complain, are negative and critical, and are filled with self-pity and resentment. We have more to do with how our lives turn out than we like to admit. Learning how to think right is mandatory for good health.
Thoughts affect emotions, and they both affect the body. In order for you to be whole, you must maintain a healthy mind. Make a decision right now that you are going to have a healthy mind. Renewing your mind will take some time and effort. You must learn new, positive ways to think. But reading God's Word can help you do just that.
So the point I'm trying to make is that I know I need to learn to control my emotions and negative thoughts and give them to God as he is in total control. I really truly am beyond blessed and I can see that everyday but that is what I need to focus on when Satan tries to rob me of it, and lets be honest, he's been having a field day with that! This week I have been so grateful for my sisters who are simple amazing, for growing up in a Christian house and for parents who love the Lord and me unconditionally, for a relationship with an incredible boy who makes me smile everyday and encourages me to chase my dreams, for much needed rain even though I wish it was sunny all the time, for the beautiful wedding of close friends and for FINALLY enrolling to do my Interior Design course after wanting to for years! God is so good to me.
oh...and for much needed long weekends to relax!:)

I hope you all have something to be happy and grateful for this week.


pretty shiny things

Hi All

I've found on of the loveliest places to order some very "in" jewellery and so excited to share it with you!!! :)

I saw on LoveStyleBeauty's youtube channel this beautiful chunky rose gold wrap bracelet that can be worn as a necklace also and after seeing the price I knew I had to have one!

So I placed my order with the lovely Simmy from Live Love Shop and received it so quickly. She is lovely to deal with and made the whole process enjoyable. I will definitely be ordering more from her.

This is the one I got. Absolutely loving Rose Gold at the moment and this is gorgeous. So lite to wear and so pretty (the most important thing). The bracelet was only $35 and shipping (to Australia) $7 so I was really happy with that

Revlon's Cafe Pink on my nails, it's the perfect pink.

You can find her online at and she also has a facebook page. Check out her other products too, I adore the chain reaction necklace and hope to get that soon.

Lovestylebeauty is one of my favourite youtubers so you should definitely check her out! She does beautiful makeup tutorials and has a great sense of style:)

What's your favourite piece of jewellery at the moment??


Wednesday, 12 September 2012

long blog

Hi My Lovelies:)

I'm back...again. Life keeps getting a little out of control and I have been struggling with keeping up with everything but my blog is still important and this last week I've taken a bit of time to reflect on the direction I want it to take the rest of this year and next.

Basically my passions are anything beauty related... make-up, hair products, goop for your body etc:) My sisters make fun of me all the time for watching so many make-up tuts on you tube but I think they're a great way to learn valuable tips and tricks. I also love interior design/styling and it finally looks like I'll be able to start the Cert IV foundation course before Christmas. I have been looking into it for years but have struggled to have the finances until now. God is so good at providing what is needed for you to follow your dreams...just not always in your own timing:) And my biggest passion of all is my heavenly father who is my reason for living and case you hadn't already noticed haha:) I'm definitely not shy about sharing my love for him!

So from now on you'll be reading about beauty future study and how good my God is. Apologies if you're not into this things! :)

Hope you're all well...has anyone studied interior design that can give me anytips???


Tuesday, 24 July 2012

melbourne bound

Hi All

Well I'm off to Melbourne tomorrow (Thursday) to meet up with my best friend for her 30th Birthday. We actually celebrated last weekend but this is our fun shopping trip together. She's been there all week.

The bad news...I am definitely coming down with something. Sore throat, headache, runny nose. I can't afford to take tomorrow off as I have so much work to get done before my plane leaves:( What are your "get better quick" remedys? I'll be trying for a hot bath, fresh juice and an early night. I hope it works, nothing worse than getting sick for holidays especially coz mine are few and far between!!!!!!!!

So this weekend just gone I had my sister's 25th Birthday dinner at The Fig is Scarborough. The food was amazing (definitely try the Ooey, gooey pudding), company great and having our table serenaded by a song of our choose (Moon River) was definitely the highlight of my year so far. Please check it out, you will not be disappointed...make sure to go on a Friday night so you have the musicians as well:)

Then Sat night was my best friend's 30th. We went into Subi to The Village, The Purl and the Red Sea for tappas, laughs and LOTS of dancing. Was so much fun...but after getting home at 4am Sunday morning I was exhausted for the day...with no voice from shouting over music the whole night!

 Dinner at the Fig..wish I'd taken more of the actual Place!

 Champagne and Tappas at The Village Bar

 Finally got a chance to wear the earrings my housemate brought me, LOVE THEM!

Photos on the Dance Floor:)

Hope you all have a great weekend, hopefully I'll be living it up in Melbourne...rather than bedridden!


Wednesday, 18 July 2012

month of grateful

I've been a bit flat after the last few months and seem to be having trouble seeing the good in things so decided to start a month of grateful list. 10 things each day that I am thankful for (so far I've managed to keep to everyday though yesterdays only had one point...was not in a particularly good placeut hey at least I tried!!!). So far it has been incredible and such an uplifting and inspiring thing to do. It's already started helping me look out for the positives in each day and acknowledge all the blessings I have. I've found myself noticing things throughout the day and being grateful for them rather than dwelling on the things that get me down. It has changed my whole attitude and it puts a smile on my face as I write them in my notebook at the end of the day. I go to bed feeling so happy and would definitely recommend it to everyone!

I thought I’d share today’s list just to give you an idea of what I do:)
  • For blue skies despite the 1degree temp this morning shiver
  • For homemade soup to devour at lunch!
  • For fun girls night planned with my sisters and cousins for tonight. Jane Austin movies, slow cooked meals and a hot sticky date anything better!
  • For being healthy and the ability to move and exercise freely
  • For blogs of lovely girls all around the world, reading these uplifting stories each day is such a blessing
  • For being able to learn from mistakes and know I get another chance...and another and anotherJ
  • For Thursdays...second last day of the working week gets to count for something good right...?
  • For caramello koalas...especially around 2pm
  • For fun weekend plans to celebrate birthdays with a close friend and my sister
  • For seeing my Dad happy and loving his new jobJ

I really am so grateful for an incredibly Heavenly father who has my best interested at heart always and knows each of my days already and for my family who I thank him for everyday. These people keep me together and bring me so much joy. 

Hope something today puts a huge smile on your face and reminds you of everything good!


Thursday, 12 July 2012

same same but different

Hi my gorgeous blogger friends

Yes it's been awhile. I've had a sad few weeks with my Grandfather passing away and my parents moving down south but ready to get myself back into usual routine.

And some other news in pictures:

 Beautiful purple cabbage flowers...brought by myself for myself:)

 Finally went to Beaufort St Merchant in Mount Lawley - loved it

 Earrings from my house mate just because, can't wait to wear them!

 Stole my boyfriends trackies and held them ransom...they are so much more comfortable than mine.

 Stunning flowers from my bestie:)

Finally took my sisters to Shebert in Maylands...if you haven't been then go!!!!!!!!!!!

decided to totally branch out and paint my usually nude pink nails each a different lasted a day lol 

 Searched through old pics of my sister to print out for her birthday next week. We were so funny!

Got a gorgeous ice bucket and bottle of champagne from my boyfriends family as a belated birthday present.

Sold some much loved shoes because I never wear them and want the money for my Melbourne Spending Trip


Now, as for the title of this post. I've always been one to laugh at girls (or guys) who posted a zillion photos on facebook or pretty much the same thing...then realised, as I was looking through my camera, that I'm guilty of it too without even noticing!!!!! Anyone else do this?


I'm also getting excited at what next year has to offer with the hope of starting my Interior Design course and learning more about photography. If anyone has done any of these things in Perth please let me know as I'd love your advice!

To end I thought I'd share this pic of me and my Granddad on the farm when I was really little! RIP Granddad.


Wednesday, 9 May 2012

hump day hair

Hi Gorgeous Girls!

So today I had the privilege of getting my hair and make-up done and dressing up pretty for the camera to help some friends out. Both these girls are incredible at what they do and I would recommend them to anyone.

You can look them both up on Facebook:

Fifi for Make-up and Photography (Perth area) - 
Loren Renee For Hair (Perth Area) -

Make sure to look them up and contact them for your next ball/wedding/bad hair day:)


Tuesday, 8 May 2012

birthday FINALLY part 2

So...for my actual birthday I had dinner at my parents the night before. Nachos (my favourite and a yearly birthday request), a beautiful French champagne and the movie Midnight in Paris made for such a fun, relaxed night. I had heard mixed reviews about the movie but I personally loved it. Though I do Like Owen Wilson this was definitely a strange role for him!

I stayed the night at Mum and Dads and they made me Bacon and Eggs for breakfast. Such a lovely way to start the dayJ Mum had the baby album out and was all mushy over my VERY cute (hehe) baby photos. I got totally spoilt with more presents and then headed off to work where I got spoilt with chocolate from a few close friends.

Jumper from Target, love the hearts:)

 New 3d TV and bluray player AND surround sound system and some blurays!

 So cool!

Giaraffe Pandora Charm so sweet!

 Nothing says happy birthday like a drinking glass of Caramello Koalas (an in joke with a lady from work) loved it:D 

Then bbq down at the beach with my family and close friends was a great way to end the day. Mum made our family favourite chocolate pavlova.

Ended the night by setting up my new TV and playing with 3d glasses and then seeing 21 Jump St at the movies HILARIOUS:D

Felt unbelievably loved and spoilt by the people who bless my life so much. Very grateful for the people God has given me.

Hope you’re all well.


birthday FINALLY part 1

Hi All

Finally getting to the birthday post:) Just over a whole month later...blogger wasn't working until I downloaded Google I the only one that wasn't using this before?

Needless to say I had a absolute awesome birthday weekend/month. Was totally spoilt and felt so blessed to have the family and friends I do. Much birthday love indeed.

The Friday night before my birthday I headed out to dinner with some friends at Tiger Lils in  Perth City. I'd had an awful day and was almost ready to cancel but I got home from work and one of my friends had brought flowers around and gave me a big hug to cheer me up. I then got ready and was feeling better in no time.

LOVE these shoes:D 

Dinner was lovely. I had Pork Belly which is always a favourite and didn't have to buy a drink for myself ALL night:)

We then headed onto a new Whiskey Bar called Helveticas. Their house punch was incredible. A great atmosphere and definitely worth visiting if you live in Perth. 

THEN...we ended up at the Shed in Northbridge (lol) for some dancing. Always a fun way to end the night. Cheeseburgers on the drive home was a must:)

Then on the Saturday night I headed out for dinner at a new Bar in Claremont called Duchess. Beautiful tapas menu. Quite loud considering how intimate and uncrowded it looked when I first checked it out during the day but I will go back.

baby octopus EEEEK

Cousins <3

Who's that girl

 My sis...grrrr photos that won't rotate!


 hehe trio of mini hot dogs SO GOOD


I moved around the table a lot as I couldn’t hear anyone from the other end.

It was so nice having a girls night and being spoilt. Loved the combo of my new dress from Kookai and a necklace I found cheap on ebay:)

We headed to Koko Black (chocolate place right next door) after. If you haven’t gone yet YOU MUST. Their chocolate and desserts and beautiful and they have a great savoury menu too.

Salted caramel - Koko Black

Will be back with part 2 of Birthday shenanigans soon.
